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歌谱:something to do(TXT吉他谱)

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Something to Do - Depeche Mode
From the 101 Songbook.

My little girl, won't you come with me?
A#m F
Come with me, and tell me,


(F throughout)
Is there something to do?
Is there something to do?
Is there something to do?
A#m A#m7 A#m
Is there something to do?

[End Chorus]

[Verse 2 (same as 1)]

I'm going crazy with boredom.
Come with me, and tell me.


[Verse 3]

Greay sky over a black town,
I can feel depression all around.
You've got your leather boots on.


[Verse 4 (same as 3)]

I can't stand another drink,
It's surprising this town doesn't sink.
You've got your leather boots on.


[Verse 5 (same as 3 and 4)]
Your pretty dress is oil-stained,
from working too hard for too little.
You've got your leather boots on.


[Verse 6 (same as 3,4,5)]

You're feeling the boredom too.
I'd gladly go with you.
I'd put your leather boots on.


I'd put your pretty dress on.



Is there something to do?
Is there something to do?
Fm A#m
Is there something to do?
D# Fm
Is there something to do?

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