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歌谱:when the stars go blue(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Song: When the stars go blue
Artist: Ryan Adams
Album: Gold

This song is pretty simple, and it sounds pretty good to me but if
you have any corrections feel free to correct. -frankie


Cno3 - D#no3 - Bbno3 - Fno3


D#no3 - Bbno3 - Fno3
Transition form pre chor to the chorus is a Cno3


Bbno3 - Fno3 - Cno3

Dancing where the stars go blue,
Dancing where the evening fell,
Dancing in your wooden shoes,
Are you happy now

Dancing out on 7th street,
Dancing through the underground,
Dancing with a marionette,
Are you happy now

Where do you go when you're lonely,
Where do you go when you're blue,
where do you go when you're lonely,
I'll follow you

Where the stars go blue 3x

Thats it check ya later.

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