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歌谱:five fourths2(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

5/4 five four


Its pretty much like this just repeating through the whole thing until you get to the chorus.
The chorus is just like this repeating its pretty easy.


Magic for me
Magic make no sound
It good for me
It good for me underground
Magic on me
Really got me down
Invade the city
It make my heart beat no sound
Beat no sound
Beat no sound (ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Beat no sound
Beat no sound
Beat no sound (ooh ooh ooh ooh)
And let me tell myself
Tell on
She turned my dad on
She turned my dad on
Dad on
Dad on!!!
Magic for me
Magic get me through
We pledge it money
People seem to walk through you
Magic's funny
Magic get me through
All good for me
When people seem to always walk through you
Walk through you
Walk through you (ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Walk through you
Walk through you
Walk through you (ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Walk through you
Walk through you
And let me tell myself
Tell on
She turned my dad on
She turned my dad on
Dad on
Dad on
She made me kill myself
Come on
Come on
She turned my dad on
Come on
She turned my dad on
Come on
She turned my dad on
She turned my dad on
Dad on
Dad on

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