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歌谱:toccata and fugue(TXT吉他谱)

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From: JaminBen@aol.com
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 11:34:48 -0400
Subject: Toccata (and Fugue) in Dm

Toccata (and Fugue) in Dm
BWV 565
by Johann Sebastian Bach (the greatest composer who ever lived)

Submitted by: Ben Pratt

I have seen a few transcriptions of this song in =

the Guitar/Tab directory, and I would like to =

submit my version. Unlike the other transcriptions =

I have seen, this one is in Dm, but it is virtually =

impossible to play the Fugue in Dm, with the =

counterpoint, on the guitar, so this is simply the =

Toccata. I was originally turned on to this piece =

by the obscure heavy metal band 'Cirith Ungol' who =

has a version of this song on their CD 'King of the =

Dead'. My version is very similar to theirs, except =

that mine is for solo guitar whereas theirs was for =

two guitars and a bass. I think they also used an ebow, =

which gave the song a neat tone. The piece is written =

in Common Time(4/4) and begins Adagio. One thing to =

keep in mind is that adagio in the Baroque Period =

was faster than that in following eras, so it should =

be played at about 80bpm. In measures six - eight, =

the rhythmic pattern is 16th triplet, 16th triplet, =

16th triplet, 16 duple, 16th triplet, 16th triplet, =

16th triplet, 16th duple. It gives the section a very =

forced sound and adds to the feeling of solemnness =

that horror movie composers have liked for so long. =

Measures 9-13 are the most difficult of the whole song. =

I have tried tapping it, but it presents the problem of =

running up and needing to be picked at the beginning of =

each run with another finger. If anyone can find an =

easier way to play it, please let me know. Their are =

also 4 or 5 measures near the end that I did not include =

because it sounds very weak without both staves and is =

impossible to play without 2 guitars. One other thing =

to keep in mind is that the rhythm sounds very broken =

because it is riddled with fermatas and other devices.
Instead of worrying about the time, play it how you =

think it should feel. Oh yeah, drop the low E to a D. =

I hope you enjoy it and I would appreciate any comments.

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