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歌谱:quit hollerin(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:PRINE JOHN 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: booker@elvice.ib.stortek.com (Sam Booker)
Subject: PRO:quit_hollerin_at_me by john prine
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 14:43:58 -0700 (MST)

{t:Quit Hollerin' At Me}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
{st:From the John Prine album "Lost Dogs and Mixed Blessings" ( Oh Boy Records, 1995)}
# Chords by Sam Booker (booker@elvice.stortek.com)
[F#m]I don't want your big French Fry
I don't want your car
I don't want to buy no soap
>From no washed-up movie star
Y[Bm]ou are so much louder
Than the show I wanna hear
With your s[F#m]ugarless gum
Gee, but I'm dumb
Non-alcoholic beer
It's en[Bm]ough to make a grown man
Blow [E]up his own TV
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m]I heard you the first time
I heard myself say
Seems like the little woman
Is getting bigger every day
Y[Bm]ou don't have to tell the neighbors
A little silence ain't no sin
They[F#m] already think my name is
Where in the hell you been?
Lo[Bm]uder, louder, louder, louder, lo[E]uder
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa [E]oh
S[Bm]weet Ser[F#m]enity
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa [E]oh
Q[Bm]uit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m]Ain't it great at the end of the day
When there ain't no sound around
Just me and the fence post
Staring each other down
[Bm]Nothing but a big bunch of nothing
Driving me insane
Cause there a[F#m]in't no voice that's louder
Than the one inside my brain
H[Bm]ey you go on
Go [E]on and let me be
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa oh
Sw[Bm]eet Ser[F#m]enity
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m] (Repeat and Fade....)

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