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歌谱:there aint no story that aint been told(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:ICP 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

YOu start off when you hear the first sturm you go from D to C then
to G
when you hear the sng actually start you go to D and strum D once then
move to the D string

when they switch you go to
C chord only strum once and then strum the C string when you hear
them switch you go to

G and strum the G string once then go to the G string now they stay at
the G string longer actually twice as long,

that is the whole song you just keep repeting , The last few things and
that is the whole song

if you have trouble with this e-mail me at faygo41311@yahoo.com thank
you or if you know any other ICP songs e-mail me

Thank you

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